Rehabilitation Therapy Goals:

What Does Rehab Offer?

Common Conditions

What Happens in the Initial Rehab Appointment


Rehabilitation Evaluation

The initial appointment is scheduled for one and one-half hours. A thorough assessment of your dog is performed. The evaluation includes examination of posture, gait, function/strength, range of motion, flexibility, girth, joint mobility, and soft tissue mobility.

Explanation of Findings

The owner's understanding of his or her dog's dysfunction is important for compliance with the rehabilitation program. At the first visit, the findings of the examination will be explained and questions answered.

Instruction in Owner Home Exercise Program

Also at the first visit the owner is instructed in exercises to be performed at home. Under my supervision, the owner practices these exercises until he or she feels comfortable performing them. Written exercise instructions are provided.

Development of a Specific Treatment Plan

We will discuss a plan of care that includes specific treatment procedures and frequency of treatment. We will develop a plan that fits the needs of both the dog and the owner.

Therapeutic Techniques and Modalities

See Available Therapies